Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My Aunt Marisela

My Aunt Marisela she is a wander some times she can get on the phone and be all blab gaa, she is so funny she hass a lot of thangs to say. she is so exited for us for whin we move out thare. i love it win she blogs me or e-mails me or iny thang like that. she thinks it s fun to reed, its not but i do like to reed the blogs. she is so fun every one should see her .................................not like date her but go viset her.


Marisela said...

You are a funny gal! Thanks for writing about me. And I'm glad you clarified the visiting and not dating thing. He he he. LOL! ROFL!

Shelbi said...

My mom doesn't like to read books

sister of six said...

she sess she dass

Marisela said...

I never said I liked to read books. I do like to read blogs though....but not books! You must have me confused with your other cool Aunt "Nana" she likes to read books. but not me :)

sister of six said...
